- 尖椒:再看億遍,小進步找(zhǎo)爸爸(bà)
- 果果呀:泰式小甜餅,人設還行,演技一般~~
- 呆檬:改編的真的不算好......希望(wàng)以(yǐ)後(hòu)的改編可以多結合一點本土元素
- 是小何呀: 另一部日落大道,不過這部加入了懸疑推理的元素,很多(duō)都是通過(guò)閃回和複(fù)原現場的推動(dòng)敘事;不如日落大道來的震撼流暢,但也還是很好看(kàn)
- 真假momo:'t really feel the art style is amazing but maybe for an animated TV show it's alright. But the dialogue and story are peak cliches, practically intolerable because they fill up 80% of the runtime, leaving no space for ingenuous plots. Not sure why it's highly received -- for the gore?